Y a los defensores de la construcción de baja altura (y en particular, a quienes quieren conservar a Ñuñoa como la peor de las posibles alternativas urbanas -con un carácter de suburbio). The Greenness of cities publicado recién ayer por Edward Glaesser.
Y citemos algunos de sus mejores párrafos:
New York’s biggest environmental contribution lies in the fact that less than one-third of New Yorkers drive to work. Nationwide, more than seven out of eight commuters drive. More than one-third of all the public transportation commuters in America live in the five boroughs. The absence of cars leads Matthew Kahn, in his fascinating book, “Green Cities,” to estimate that New York has by a wide margin the least gas usage per capita of all American metropolitan areas. The Department of Energy data confirm that New York State’s energy consumption is next to last in the country because of New York City.
Is there any reason beyond civic pride to care that New Yorkers are true friends of the environment? I think so. Environmental benefits are one of the many good reasons that New York should grow. When Manhattan builds up, instead ofLas Vegas building out, we are saving gas and protecting land. Every new skyscraper in Manhattan is a strike against global warming.